Learner Induction Procedure

Learner Induction Procedure
This Learner Induction Procedure provides all the details of the current qualification including assessment information. Please take the time to thoroughly read this Induction Guide before you start learning.

Our team of highly qualified, experienced tutors and assessors will support you through your chosen training programme making each step of your journey an enjoyable experience.

Tove Leeds endeavor to facilitate a safe and effective learning environment; we aim to provide all the necessary information as well as guidance in starting their course.

We are focused on ensuring learners develop the knowledge, practical competence and confidence to actively work alongside a vast population within the health and safety industry.
The learners will:

  •  Receive detailed and timely information in relation to the aims, outcomes, content, assessment, resources and timetable of the training
  • Receive a Course Manual to augment the training event and contribute to the knowledge and skills of the learner
  • Introduce the tutor(s) and/or assessor(s) that will be working with the student(s)
  • Explain the course timetable including an explanation of the course structure
  • Discuss attendance procedures and lunch breaks

Policies and procedures
The induction process provides sufficient explanation in our policies and procedures as well as explaining the learners and staff’s rights and responsibilities. Learners are also introduced to the following policies and procedures:

  • Code of Ethics
  • Malpractice & Plagiarism Policy & Procedure
  • Complaints Policy and Procedure
  • Appeals and Review Procedure
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Conflict of Interest Policy

Teaching and Learning Agreement
To ensure that all learners get the best out of the training, we expect tutors and learners to agree to a ‘Teaching and Learning Agreement’. The Agreement states what is expected of the tutor in the course of the training and, what is expected of the learner throughout the training and assessment.
Tutors will:

  • Work within our agreed timetable and start/finish times
  • Inform you of the purpose and process of each session
  • Use training resources that maximise your learning
  • Provide opportunities to contribute to the learning, via questions, comments and feedback
  • Inform you of the health, safety and operational rules in relation to the premises and equipment
  • Offer individual support and guidance in relation to any assessment criteria
  • Adhere to our Equal Opportunities Policy

We will expect learners to:

  • Complete all lessons as timetabled
  • Complete lessons in a time appropriately manner, using personal timetable and action plan devised with mentor
  • Complete all necessary paperwork, activities and additional reading (where applicable)
  • Actively participate in the sessions
  • Take responsibility for their own learning by communicating their progress with the tutor/mentor
  • Ask for help and guidance as and when required
  • Behave responsibly towards others and the venue, in respect of Health, Safety and
  • Operational rules
  • Adhere to the Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Adhere to any relevant professional Code of Ethics
  • Comply in observing the mandatory rules of conduct during an assessment
  • Not replicate another learner’s work in either the theoretical or portfolio aspect of assessment.

Statement of Authenticity
I hereby declare that I will abide by the teaching learning agreement and any work I submit for my assessments is my own.

Student Name:
Appeals Procedure
All assessment candidates are assessed by qualified and suitably skilled assessors, and are assessed against our published assessment criteria.

In the event that a candidate wishes to appeal against their assessment decision, they may appeal in writing.

Learner Support

We are committed to providing access and individual learning support to learners whenever possible.

Learners are requested to identify any individual learning needs, medical conditions and/or injuries that may affect learning or the assessment process, on the application form or directly to the tutor. This may need to be supported by a statement of learning needs.

Your tutor and assessor will be able to advise you on the specific requirements of the course and related assessment. In some instances it may be possible to apply a ‘Reasonable Assessment Adjustment’ to take into account a specific learning need. Please discuss this with your course tutor during course registration to ensure you are fully supported during the course and assessment. The course timetable will also clearly identify learner guidance and support time when your tutor/mentor will be available to answer specific queries or clarify areas that are unclear. You will be allocated your own mentor and it is with them that you design an action plan for completing this course.
Tutor Support: tutors will be available between 9am – 6pm weekdays to answer any queries and provide as much support as required.
Email Support: tutors and administration staff will be available between 9am – 6pm weekdays to answer any queries and provide as much support as required.
Customer Service and Complaints
We aim to ensure that learners are given clear, accurate and timely information pertaining to our training and assessment. We expect tutors and staff to provide excellent quality training and assessment at all times. Any learner who believes that they have not been treated fairly or have not received appropriate customer care, may raise their concerns.

Our procedure covers all complaints about course delivery and administration, administrative support, quality assurance services, supporting resources including any allegations of discrimination or harassment and wherever possible we hope to satisfactorily resolve your complaint.
IQA Process
Every course that runs through Tove Leeds is Internally Quality Assured. This is done to ensure that we are fair and equal between all learners throughout the learning process.
Learner’s feedback
We are committed to listening to all our learners, therefore we welcome feedback from them.
Staff introduction
Our staff will aim to integrate themselves with learners during tutor/assessor activities.
The induction will explain the assessment process in detail. Learners are encouraged to ask questions to ensure that they are fully aware of their assessment arrangements.
Finalizing the induction process, staff will be answering learner’s questions ensuring all learners know who to contact in case they have any further questions.
Follow up
During the training course, staff will re-enforce the induction topics to check if the learners still understand all the information given at the induction date.
Monitoring of the policy
This policy will be reviewed annually by the management team.